At Eliquids 2 Go, we strive to maintain high editorial standards and integrity in our content. We value feedback from our readers and are committed to addressing any concerns or complaints promptly and fairly.
Our Commitment
We are committed to transparency in our editorial process and strive to ensure accuracy, fairness, and balance in all content published on our website.
We take responsibility for the content we publish and aim to rectify any errors or inaccuracies promptly.
Submitting a Complaint
If you believe that any content on Eliquids 2 Go breaches our editorial standards or contains factual inaccuracies, please follow these steps to submit a complaint:
Contact Us
Please email us at [email protected] with the subject line “Editorial Complaint.”
Include Details
Provide specific details about the content in question, including the URL, date of publication, and a clear description of your concern or complaint.
Supporting Information
If possible, include any supporting documentation or evidence that demonstrates the alleged breach of standards or inaccuracies.
Your Contact Information
Please provide your name and contact details so that we can communicate with you regarding your complaint.
Review Process
Upon receiving your complaint, we will acknowledge receipt within 2 business days.
Our editorial team will investigate the complaint thoroughly and impartially to determine the validity and nature of the issue raised.
Depending on the findings of our investigation, we will take appropriate action which may include correction, clarification, or removal of the content in question. We will inform you of the outcome and any actions taken as a result of your complaint.
If you are not satisfied with the outcome of our investigation, you may request a further review or appeal by contacting us again at [email protected]. Please provide additional information or reasons for your appeal, and we will reconsider our decision accordingly.
Contact Us
If you have any questions or concerns about our Editorial Complaints Policy, please contact us at [email protected]. We welcome feedback and are committed to maintaining the highest editorial standards for our readers.